Yannis Kalogerakis is one of the TEDxSitia 2022 speakers.

Yannis Kalogerakis


When Yannis Kalogerakis was still searching for his passion, he did a PhD in robotics.

The robots however taught him that the most important thing on this planet is the human being. And so, he decided to become anthropocentric (human-centered) abandoning equations and machines.

Today, in more than 20 countries his name is identified with the Anthropocentric Training of Business Executives.

Since 1982, he has gone from strength to strength, with his Encouraging, Empowering & Experiential Seminars and speeches.

With his lively presentation, he has managed to touch the souls of people, animating and helping them to discover their positive side by bringing to the surface inner forces they were unaware of.

Born in Crete and educated in England/Scotland, B.Sc., M.Sc., & Ph.D. He is a frequent guest speaker at international conferences (such as ECONOMIST EVENTS) in NY, Dusseldorf, Dubai, Tehran, Istanbul, Romania, Canada etc.

In 2010, he released 22 different Anthropocentric seminars on DVD (www.jmkdvd.com). Today he is the CEO of JMK, specialized in Anthropocentric Human Resource Development (AHRD).

Talk Details

Overcoming the difficulty of forgiveness

Every year we celebrate our birthday. The day we were born. The day our life began.

I personally feel that we are born every morning. Every morning, a new day begins for all of us.

Some celebrate it with joy, others with music, others with gratitude, others with a prayer, and thanksgiving.

While some others welcome the new day with groans!

Some get better every day (some don’t). We are ‘programmed’ to constantly improve.

The power that drives this (Divine) evolution, (from good to better), is WITHIN US.

The force that prevents this development is also within us. (Also called egotism).

I think that if we don’t ‘step’ on our ego, we don’t progress, we don’t evolve, we don’t get better.

I will tell you a short true story in the hope that our egotism will be crushed, and the great power of FORGIVENESS will be born within us.

Because it is VERY hard to say sorry and mean it. BUT WE CAN DO IT.